After finishing a two years master’s program, my wife and I spend 10 days in Iceland driving the Ring Road.
For the past 10 years, I have traveled to Ukraine to support the YMCA of Odess and the ministry of Journey to Freedom. These are just a few of the images I have captured on these trips.
January 2016 trip to Seattle
Vivamus accumsan, est in maximus gravida, ipsum nulla rhoncus nunc, sed faucibus enim sapien in dui. In non fermentum nisi. Quisque placerat nisl sem, viverra bibendum nisi aliquam in. Donec ultricies, lectus vitae mattis convallis, nisl tortor placerat nulla, sed maximus lacus ipsum aliquam eros. Nulla fermentum ultricies leo nec tempor.
Fusce erat est, consequat et sem et, posuere commodo tellus. Fusce ut sem vel ex feugiat vehicula. Fusce accumsan nisi eu velit euismod tincidunt. Mauris posuere risus et elementum laoreet. Sed erat velit, aliquam eget rhoncus eget, tincidunt ut nisi.
Snowy trip to NYC in March of 2019.
As much as I miss riding motorcycles and scooters, I think I miss the community of riders just as much.